SRNL Finds Potential Use for Legacy Coal Ash at Savannah River Site

SRNL Finds Potential Use for Legacy Coal Ash at Savannah River Site

Historically, the daily operation of facilities at Savannah River Site (SRS), including several nuclear reactors, materials separations facilities, river water pumps and sprawling infrastructure, required a tremendous amount of energy. Most of the electricity was provided by several coal-burning powerhouses scattered throughout SRS. This produced approximately 1.8 million cubic yards of coal ash, which is…

Intern Credits SRNL’s Culture & Support For Research Milestone

Intern Credits SRNL’s Culture & Support For Research Milestone

CubeSats are a common low orbit nanosatellite used by schools, hobbyists, and universities to collect atmospheric data, fill communication gaps, provide GPS locations, and perform several types of scientific research. Designs published online are often imperfect and most nanosatellites are not fit for space use, a problem Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) summer intern Olivia Belian…

SRNL Opens Storefront in JA Discovery Center of the Central Savannah River Area 

SRNL Opens Storefront in JA Discovery Center of the Central Savannah River Area 

Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) opened its storefront within the Junior Achievement (JA) of Georgia Discovery Center of the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) in Evans, Georgia, on Thursday, Jan. 11.   Junior Achievement Discovery Centers blend key components of education to create state-of-the-art learning facilities where students apply concepts they learn in the classroom in…

SRNL Upgrades Modeling Software to Improve Nuclear Waste Processing

SRNL Upgrades Modeling Software to Improve Nuclear Waste Processing

Decades of plutonium production at Savannah River Site (SRS) resulted in millions of gallons of high-level waste. Over the years, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) has played a vital scientific role in developing ways to safely process this waste. The Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) at SRS has made tremendous progress processing the “sludge” waste…

SRNL Nonproliferation Group Using Crystals to Streamline MAI Analysis

SRNL Nonproliferation Group Using Crystals to Streamline MAI Analysis

Scientists at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) help organizations like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by researching and developing new monitoring and treaty verification tools to ensure the absence of noncompliance.  A mass spectrometer is one device monitoring agencies use to determine a nuclear material’s intended use.  The process for this analysis currently takes…

Laser Precision: LiDAR Technology Enables Successful Completion of the Annual H-Canyon Exhaust Tunnel Inspection

Laser Precision: LiDAR Technology Enables Successful Completion of the Annual H-Canyon Exhaust Tunnel Inspection

Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) personnel from the Global Security Directorate (GSD) Asymmetric Engineering and Technology group recently supported the successful completion of the annual Department of Energy (DOE) required H-Canyon Exhaust Tunnel (H-CAEX) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) inspection. Since 2003, a team from Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) and SRNL has remotely inspected…

SRNL Puts ORNL’s Radiological Storage Container Through Safety Testing

SRNL Puts ORNL’s Radiological Storage Container Through Safety Testing

The ability to safely store and transport nuclear materials without fear of an accident is vital to maintaining operations at the nation’s 17 national laboratories and certain private sector industries.  The Packaging Technology Group at Savannah River National Lab (SRNL) designs and manages packages usage for safe transport and storage of radioactive materials.  SRNL has…