Savannah River National Laboratory Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Designation as National Laboratory

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, marked the 20th anniversary of Savannah River National Laboratory being designated as a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory.
To help mark the occasion, Laboratory Director Vahid Majidi, Deputy Director of Operations Sharon Marra, and Deputy Director of Science and Technology Sue Clark celebrated with SRNL employees at three different SRNL locations Tuesday.
“Thank you for everything you do for the laboratory to make us great in what we do,” said Majidi. “Thank you for having the best interest of the American people in mind every day you come to work and thank you for being a great member of the community.”
“We have a bright future ahead in this laboratory,” said Marra. “Glad you all are a part of it. I hope you feel a part of it and will continue to contribute to our mission for 20-plus more years to come.”
“Whether you were here 20 years ago or you just arrived two days ago, you all are essential to everything we are doing here at the lab,” said Clark. “We all are in pursuit of excellence in science and technology. That’s what we’re here for: serving the nation.”
Tuesday’s celebration was the first of three events to celebrate SRNL’s 20th anniversary. On Saturday, May 18, from 4-8 p.m., the public is invited to Meet SRNL at Highfields Event Center, Aiken, S.C. Those attending can enjoy live music featuring Low Country Locals, Chip Herring and Jack McCarthy; tasty treats from 10 area food trucks; and STEM activities for all ages. Admission is free and open to the public. The third celebratory event, SRNL Day at SRP Park, Augusta, Ga., is planned for Aug. 30.
In an earlier message to employees, Majidi wrote, “We are celebrating the 20th Anniversary of our national laboratory designation, but that designation doesn’t mark the start of SRNL’s journey. Our legacy spans seven decades, it’s a legacy forged at the onset of the Cold War to produce nuclear materials in support of our national nuclear deterrent and ultimately leading to the inevitable end of the Cold War.”