Savannah River National Laboratory has extensive experience in supporting the intelligence needs of the United States. SRNL employs its unique expertise in nuclear technologies, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) signatures, and regional security analysis to examine foreign programs in support of DOE, the Intelligence community, and other U.S. government organizations. As part of the Interagency Treaty Process, SRNL provides support to NNSA and other government organizations for their participation in the process that develops U.S. positions on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty, as well as other agreements required for nuclear trade with other countries.
SRNL support of nonproliferation efforts crosses a wide range of activities, including support for technology licensing, evaluations, nuclear interdictions, the International Nonproliferation Export Control Program, and the Global Initiative for Proliferation Prevention. Our internationally recognized expertise stems from the Savannah River Site’s rich history of missions supporting the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile, and broad base of expertise in nuclear reactor operations, plutonium and tritium processing, spent nuclear fuel reprocessing, environmental monitoring, and materials science. This experience and knowledge-driven environment allows SRNL to be a valuable resource in U.S. intelligence and nonproliferation efforts.

Associated SRNL competencies and capabilities include:
- Foreign Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Program
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
- Nuclear reactors, heavy water facilities, reprocessing plants, tritium production
- Materials security
- Remote Sensing
- Nonproliferation Policy
- Treaties, agreements and regimes
- Export control and licensing