Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

SRNL designs, develops and tests processes, flow sheets and equipment to support processing and disposition of radioactive tank waste. This core competency includes qualification and validation of ongoing operational processes, development and demonstration of next-generation technology options, program analysis, and troubleshooting of process operations. This capability is foundational to support the on-going EM operations and future facility design, construction and operation.

Associated SRNL competencies and capabilities include:

Contaminated Material Removal, Storage, Treatment, Disposal

  • Leader in development, deployment and optimization of processes for waste retrieval, processing, storage and disposal of waste streams in DOE Complex
  • Extensive experience characterizing radioactive waste through process knowledge, sampling and analysis, and modeling
  • Broad experience in characterizing and analyzing contaminant pathways for regulatory concurrence for determinations of end-states
  • Leader in high- and low-activity waste-form development, qualification and optimization to mitigate radionuclide release to the environment
  • Extensive experience in designing and operating high-level waste, low-activity salt waste, and low-level waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities (DWPF, Saltstone, shallow burial facilities)
Two men in safety suits guiding a tube through waste tanks
women in hairnet and mask pipetting into test tube

Secondary Liquid Waste Treatment and Storage

  • Treatment of condensate, off-gas, treatment liquid, etc.
  • Recycling of process water