Staff & Contacts

Staff & Contacts

ALTEMIS is a multi-laboratory, multi-entity collaborative project led by Carol Eddy-Dilek (SRNL) and Haruko Wainwright (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Carol Eddy-Dilek, Laboratory Fellow

Haruko Wainwright, Ph.D., Mitsui Career Development Professor

For questions, please contact and your comment will be forwarded to the appropriate subject matter expert at one of the following collaborative partnerships:


Savannah River National Laboratory

  • Carol Eddy-Dilek
  • Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat
  • Tom Danielson
  • Holly VerMeulen
  • Emily Fabricatore

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • Zexuan Xu
  • Brian Quiter
  • Baptiste Dafflon

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

  • Timothy Johnson


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Haruko Wainwright

Florida International University, Applied Research Laboratory

  • Himanshu Upadhyay
  • Pieter Hazenberg
  • Ravi Gudavalli

Oregon State University, College of Engineering

  • Kathy Higley


Panoramic Environmental Consulting

  • Miles Denham

Longenecker & Associates

  • David Wilson
  • Shelly Wilson

Geosyntec, Inc.

  • Jennifer Nyman
  • Keaton Belli

Subsurface Insights

  • Roelof Versteeg