Renewable Energy Research
The Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) has the experience, credibility, extensive capabilities and expertise that are relevant for the execution of the ongoing and emerging missions of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Savannah River Site (SRS) and other DOE programs. SRNL experienced staff and world class expertise have built a very strong foundation with international, national, state and local customers that are key to both national energy security needs as well as SRS strategic initiatives.
SRNL’s Center for Hydrogen Research provides a state-of-the-art facility for the development of innovative hydrogen technology and research. SRNL is also a partner laboratory for the international ITER project to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of a full-scale fusion power reactor. Additionally, SRNL as a partner with Clemson University Restoration Institute (CURI) has world class capability in testing and simulation facilities. Due to their experience and credibility with bioenergy bioprocess development and knowledge relevant to waste treatment, SRNL have the key competencies which align with the Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BTO) stated needs for the new program in Waste to Energy (WTE) initiative.
SRNL is leveraging its nuclear core competencies in chemistry, material science and engineering to develop advanced solutions for wind, solar, and bioenergy. Growth in this Program has been and will continue to be realized through programmatic focus of supporting technical competencies through the Laboratory, as well as utilizing post-doctorates, university personnel, critical hires, and partnerships.