Research Partnership Form "*" indicates required fields What is the area of research you would like to advance by partnering with SRNL?*E.g., additive manufacturing, hydrogen fuel cells, nonproliferation, cybersecurity, etc. Describe the general non-proprietary details of the project:*What role could SRNL play in the project? Do you have funding for this project? If not, what is the proposed source of funding for this work?* Do you have someone in mind at SRNL that you would like to work with on this project?* Your entity's public informationWhat is your entity’s legal name?* Type of Organization*E.g., public (provide stock exchange symbol), private, private VC-backed, non-profit, etc. Size*E.g., government qualified small business, medium or large corporation Website Address* U.S. state of incorporation (if not a U.S. entity, enter country):* If your entity is a subsidiary of or is controlled or influenced by any non-U.S. person or entity through investment, ownership, or management, specify the following:• Controlling or influencing entity name • Country in which controlling or influencing entity is incorporated • Relationship with non-U.S. person or entity (parent, affiliate, partner, investor, etc.)Have you previously worked with a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory?* Yes No Your Contact InformationName* First Last Title* Email* Phone Number*By submitting this form, you understand SRNL can only provide unique work and cannot compete with the private sector. If you are seeking a unique capability from SRNL, you affirm you were unable to find any such capability in the private sector.* Yes By submitting this form you understand that: SRNL is a U.S. government-owned facility; the information provided is subject to verification and/or background checks by the U.S. government; incomplete submissions may not be processed.* Yes The Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) applied research and development laboratory at the Savannah River Site (SRS). With its wide spectrum of expertise in areas such as homeland security, hydrogen technology, materials, sensors, and environmental science, SRNL’s cutting-edge technology delivers high dividends to its customers. The management and operating contractor for SRNL is Battelle Savannah River Alliance, LLC. BSRA is responsible for transferring its technologies to the private sector so that these technologies may have the collateral benefit of enhancing U.S. economic competitiveness. Acknowledge