Technology Partnerships
Strategic Partnership Projects and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
SRNL is pleased to provide a variety of business arrangements whereby our technologies or capabilities can be utilized to benefit the general public. We welcome opportunities to bring new technologies to the marketplace by closely working with industry, universities, or state and local government agencies. With its wide spectrum of expertise in areas such as homeland security, hydrogen technology, materials, sensors, and environmental science, SRNL’s cutting edge technology delivers high dividends to its customers. The following mechanisms are available for conducting business with SRNL:

Licensing Opportunities
The Technology Transfer Office is responsible for transferring technologies developed in pursuit of its mission at the Savannah River Site to the private sector so that these technologies may have the collateral benefit of enhancing U.S. economic competitiveness. The program provides companies with opportunities to acquire rights in SRNL’s inventions or copyrights in order to manufacture and distribute the end product in the commercial marketplace. See our Technlogies available for licensing.
Strategic Partnership Projects (SPP)
SRNL can apply its resources and expertise to the specific needs of other federal agencies and non-federal entities through the SPP program as established by the Department of Energy. Sponsored research initiatives of this kind are conducted under the guiding principles of DOE Order 481.1D. The SPP process seeks to ensure that any proposed sponsored research project:
- Pertains to the mission of SRNL
- Will not adversely impact execution of any assigned DOE program requirements
- Will not place SRNL in direct competition with the domestic private sector
The SPP program assures a mechanism is in place for both private industrial firms and federal agencies to take advantage of SRNL’s unique technological capabilities and facilities on a full-cost recovery basis.
Cooperative Research & Development Agreement (CRADA)
A CRADA is a collaborative research and development project between SRNL and industrial or other non-federal partners designed to contribute to the goals of each participant. Partners may be individual companies, a consortium, state or local governments, universities, or non-profit organizations. Each partner contributes to the research effort through use of personnel, facilities, equipment and other in-kind resources. Non-federal participants may also provide funds, but DOE funds may not go to the non-federal entity. Some of the most significant benefits provided through a CRADA with SRNL are:
- It allows access to equipment, facilities and expertise at SRNL.
- It allows partners to effectively and equitably share benefits and resources.
- It provides protection for CRADA-generated information for up to five years.
- It allows the rights to inventions and other intellectual property to be negotiated between the partners.
- It allows the option for the life of the CRADA to negotiate a limited exclusive license in a pre-negotiated field of use to a Subject Invention created by SRNL.
For more information on opportunities in licensing, SPP, or a CRADA, please contact:
- Byron Sohovich on 803-725-1940 or at
- Daren Timmons on 803-989-5854 or at