Joint Appointments
SRNL Joint Appointees
SRNL’s Joint Appointment Program provides university faculty opportunities to engage in research and development addressing the nation’s challenges in energy, science, national security, and environmental stewardship. Joint appointees serve as a bridge between their university, SRNL researchers and students to deliver the future workforce for the Department of Energy. For more information about the SRNL Joint Appointment Program, please contact
Fatemeh Afghah
Clemson University
Jake Amoroso
Clemson University
Kristen Booth
Assistant Professor College of Engineering and Computing University of South Carolina
Kristen Booth – College of Engineering and Computing | University of South Carolina (
Thirimachos Bourlai
Associate Professor School of electrical & Computer Engineering, College of Engineering University of Georgia
Justin Conrad
Martha A. Grover
Martha A. Grover | Georgia Tech School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (
Ramtin Hadidi
Clemson University
Ramtin Hadidi | College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences | Clemson University, South Carolina
Kyle C. Hartig
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida
Amy Hixon
Rob Hayes
Associate Professor Department of Nuclear Engineering North Carolina State University
Margaret Kosal
Margaret E. Kosal | Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts (
Venetia Lyles
Jeff Morris
Assistant Professor School of omputing and Cyber Sciences Augusta University
Brian A. Powell
Brian A. Powell | College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences | Clemson University, South Carolina
Sez Russcher
Sez Atamturktur Russcher | College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences | Clemson University, South Carolina
Nathalie A. Wall
Hans-Conrad zur Loye
Hans-Conrad zur Loye – Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | University of South Carolina (