Partner With Us
SRNL provides pioneering science through vibrant partnerships. Small businesses, industry, government agencies and colleges and universities can tap into SRNL’s depth and breadth of cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art facilities and world-renowned scientists to solve complex problems and chart the future. This culture of collaboration and teamwork permeates everything we do. Our partners rely on our skills, experience and resources to take new ideas from discovery to innovative outcomes. In addition, SRNL provides unique opportunities for higher education, including undergraduate and graduate internships, fellowships and joint appointments for talented faculty.
Our Main Partnership Areas
SRNL has close working relationships with a variety of institutions of higher education and we partner with them to achieve a broad range of research and development goals.

Postdoctoral Opportunities
SRNL employs the most qualified, forward-looking postdoctoral researchers in the sciences and engineering disciplines.

SRNL hosts educational internships based on specific university/academic research programs closely aligned with SRNL’s core research competencies and core products. The DOE Office of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program provides research internships at DOE national laboratories, including SRNL.

Joint Appointments
The SRNL Joint Appointment Program provides university faculty opportunities to engage in research and development with SRNL.
Industry Partners
SRNL scientists and engineers develop technologies designed to improve environmental quality, support international nonproliferation, dispose of legacy wastes, and provide clean energy sources.

Technologies & Licensing
SRNL employs the most qualified, forward-looking postdoctoral researchers in the sciences and engineering disciplines.

Technology Partnerships
SRNL provides a variety of business arrangements whereby our technologies and capabilities can be utilized to benefit the general public.

Technical Contacts
Reach out to SRNL technical contacts to work with us.

The Ombudsman Program provides an independent point of contact for concerns about technology transfer issues.
Work with us to provide materials and services to help us meet out missions.