Global Security Overview
SRNL Global Security Directorate
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) plays an important role in supporting the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) mission to maintain a safe, secure and reliable nuclear deterrent and to reduce global nuclear and national security threats.
Through its Global Security Directorate, SRNL provides state-of-the-art, nonproliferation technologies and trace analysis, mobile nuclear material processing, high-level radiochemical separations and actinide science, FBI radiological evidence examination facilities, and special nuclear material packaging.
The SRNL Global Security Directorate is also capable of science-based asymmetric capabilities acquisition and training, intelligence analysis and support, and modeling and simulation.
With these core competencies, Global Security supports the following:
- NA-20, NNSA Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation
- Department of Defense
- Department of Homeland Security
- Other U.S., Department of Energy and NNSA government agencies
The Global Security Directorate is divided into two important mission divisions: Advanced Technology Analysis and Nuclear Nonproliferation.
The Atmospheric Technology Center (ATC) is equipped to access regional, nation-al, and international meteorological observations, analysis and forecasts through the National Weather Service.
Advanced Technology Analysis
Advanced Technology Analysis (ATA) enables the U.S. government to identify immediate and emerging global security threats, combat those threats, and maintain technological superiority. Advanced Technology Analysis is comprised of the following groups:
- Cybersecurity and Threat Assessments
- Nonproliferation Policy Support
- Asymmetric Engineering and Technology
- Atmospheric Technologies
- Advanced Modeling and Simulation
Cybersecurity, Precision Timing, and Grid Testing Capabilities.
Nuclear Nonproliferation
The Global Security Directorate plays an instrumental role in detecting and deterring illicit transfers of weapons-usable materials and equipment, preventing the spread of sensitive nuclear weapons technology, and developing cutting-edge nuclear detection technologies through its Nuclear Nonproliferation Division. Nuclear Nonproliferation is comprised of the following groups:
- Trace Nuclear Measurement Technology
- Nuclear Effluenet Analysis
- Packaging Technology
- Nuclear Materials Systems
- Separations and Actinide Science
The Packaging Test Center consists of over 2800 sq. feet of indoor workspace and 17,500 sq. feet of outdoor workspace for regulatory testing.