SRNL Connect June 2023

By Susanna King
June 1, 2023

Augusta University and Savannah River National Laboratory Partner to Support Global Security Research, Workforce Development

Augusta University and SRNL formalized a new agreement to support global security research and workforce development. The partnership focuses on three key areas that are crucial to the security of not only our region or state, but also the nation and world at large. Those areas of focus include education and workforce development, collaborative research and technology development, and efforts to influence global security issues.

“We’re excited to grow our partnership with Augusta University,” said SRNL Associate Laboratory Director, Global Security, Tammy Taylor, Ph.D. “Through this agreement, we will enhance the educational experience of Augusta University students, bolster the pipeline for new SRNL employees, and create opportunities for SRNL employees to expand their knowledge and capabilities by mentoring and collaborating with Augusta University faculty, staff and students. Additionally, by leveraging the unique expertise of both SRNL and AU and our collaborative networks, we hope to expand the region’s influence in global security issues.”

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Augusta University Provost and Executive VP of Academic Affairs Neil MacKinnon, and SRNL Associate Laboratory Director Tammy Taylor.

SRNL Employees Recognized for Significant Contributions

Simona Murph, Ph.D. is the Savannah River National Laboratory Inventor of the Year. Murph is a preeminent researcher with a focus on shape-selective and hybrid nanomaterials and her work is accelerating the discovery of new materials. Her nanoscience and nanotechnology research efforts are being translated into pioneering technologies for environmental stewardship, clean energy, sustainability initiatives and national security missions.

Murph was recognized at Battelle’s Celebration of Solvers, an annual celebration recognizing inventors and high achievers from Battelle and the national labs where Battelle plays a management and operations role for the federal government, including the U.S. Department of Energy.

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SRNL Inventor of the Year Simona Murph.

Thirty-six years of institutional knowledge in the field of Actinide separations research was honored on May 18 as SRNL scientist Eddie Kyser, Ph.D. became the sixth SRNL researcher to be awarded the prestigious Glenn T. Seaborg Actinide Separations Award during the annual Actinide Separations Conference. Kyser’s work has focused on advancing operational work. Namely, the HB-lines which are used in the separation of plutonium isotopes. “I’ve probably trained five generations of engineers on HB-lines,” said Dr. Kyser. He credits his attention to detail and knowledge of scientific research history in advancing the technology and methodology of separating the 15 actinide elements. He points out, “the laws of physics and chemistry don’t change.”

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Pictured from left to right are Tracy Rudisill, Eddie Kyser and Casey Finstad, Chair of the Seaborg Award Committee.

SRNL provided coordination, technology displays, and a panel member for the 2nd Annual Cleanup Caucus held in Washington, D.C., on May 23, 2023. Technology displays included:

  1. The Advanced Long-Term Environmental Monitoring System (ALTEMIS), which has been deployed at the Savannah River Site F-area seepage basin to provide predictive monitoring of potential plume changes and the potential for cost savings for longterm monitoring.
  2. GrayQb and the BioServo Iron Hand, which provides remote inspection and enhancements to worker hand strengths.
  3. GeoEngineered Materials that leverage SRNL’s competencies from glass and ceramic waste forms. The panel discussion was led by DOE-EM and focused on EM developed technologies. The SRNL-led Hanford R&D Roadmap and ALTEMIS were key technologies highlighted, with SRNL Associate Laboratory Director Connie Herman providing the ALTEMIS update.
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SRNL Scientists installing an ALTEMIS well monitor at the Savannah River Site.

Summer Interns

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SRNL welcomed 72 summer interns, the lab’s largest cohort to date, during an orientation June 7. The students represent more than 30 universities and colleges, 62.5% of which are minority serving institutions (MSIs). Their majors range from engineering and chemistry to business and graphic arts. During their time at the lab, the interns will work with a mentor and complete a research project, which they will present at a poster session July 20.

SRNL in the Community

Celebrity Waiter Night

SRNL was a Ruby Sponsor of this year’s Children’s Place, Inc. Celebrity Waiter Night, providing $5,617 to the cause through sponsorship and donations. Some SRNL leadership served others at Whiskey Alley in Aiken to raise funds to help provide mental health counseling and occupational and speech therapy for children that Children’s Place Inc. serves.

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BSRA/SRNL Participates in Savannah River Federal Businesses Opportunities Forum

SRNL participated in the recent Energy, Technology and Environmental Business Association – ETEBA 2023 Savannah River Federal Business Opportunities Forum, held in North Augusta, S.C. The event provided participants with an opportunity to learn about ongoing projects and new programs at the Savannah River Site, as well as across the Central Savannah River Area. SRNL Deputy Laboratory Director Sharon Marra, SRNL Director of Procurement Miguel Ortiz, and SRNL Procurement Small Business Liaison Ryan Salazar provided an overview of SRNL and information about the Small Business Program Initiative. SRNL is dedicated to providing subcontracting opportunities for small and disadvantaged businesses and seeks out innovative small companies that can provide quality products and services on time and within budget. Battelle Savannah River Alliance, the management and operations contractor for SRNL, was a silver sponsor of the event. Want to do business with SRNL? Connect with Ryan:

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SRNL Deputy Laboratory Director Sharon Marra addresses the Business Opportunities Forum.

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